Monday, September 11, 2023

TIFF 23: REPTILE - Real Estate Is A Deadly Racket


Beautiful people in beautiful spaces captured with beautiful photography. This is the surface level entry point into Grant Singer's feature film debut Reptile. Singer who has been a music video director for such artists as Sam Smith, Lorde, The Weeknd brings his lush visual aesthetics to this movie. 

Will Grady (Justin Timberlake) is a real estate agent who is engaged to a fellow real estate agent Summer. Summer is played by Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz who was phenomenal in the 2017 Midnight Madness movie Revenge. They are getting ready to prepare an open house.

In their own house, Summer picks up a snakeskin as someone who lives in rural South Texas on a ranch and has had several snakes in their ranch house there is something very primal terrifying mindset that takes over after learning you have a snake in the house.

Realtors are turning up dead. Summer is dead. Two detectives catch the case, Tom Nichols (Bencio Del Toro) and Robert Allen (Eric Bogosian). Summer had no life insurance. The initial investigation leads to Summer's ex husband Sam Gifford (Karl Glusman) who has a hobby of collecting human hair from unsuspecting women. As seen in a video on a transit bus he sits behind a victim and cuts her hair. 40% of women are killed by their exes. Is this case that cut and dry?

At the end of the day Reptile is a police procedural bolstered by the excellent performances by it's cast of actors.

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